CVS Health

Business Consultant

June - August 2019 • Blue Bell, PA

What I liked

Ease of networking, setting up informational interviews with executive management Capstone project allowed us to develop a real idea that could have been implemented Ability to connect with and talk to other students from across the US Intern conference allowed us to meet and network with all of the other summer associates

What I wish was different

More direct communication with my manager More tasks/assignments relevant to management/business More interaction within the remote offices


Take advantage of every opportunity you can to set yourself apart from the competition. By doing this, I was able to get the attention of several executive leaders as well as negotiate for a higher salary with my return offer. Don't be afraid to reach out to your managers/company leaders (especially if setting up an informational interview)! They are always so excited to help because so few people are willing and determined enough to set up a meeting. Make sure you do your research on them/their area of expertise first so you are able to have an actual conversation. Don't forget to take note of one or two things that stood out to you from your conversation and incorporate those things into a thank you email. UTILIZE LINKEDIN! I made so many connections and added a wide variety of people to my network, it has really helped expose me to recruiters as well as allowed me to learn more about different areas of business I hadn't known too much about before.
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Summer Associate

June - August 2018 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Everyone was so friendly and I got to explore my interests

What I wish was different

There were more intellectually-engaged individuals working at the company


Be proactive - reach out to other departments and even ask if you can do a side project with them!
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Actuarial Intern

May - August 2019 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I like how organized their intern program was.

What I wish was different

I really enjoyed everything.


I would encourage everybody to socialize, talk to senior leaders, and work hard.
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Actuarial Analyst

May - August 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I worked on a regional commercial team in one of Aetna’s national hubs. Here I was able to work alongside 50 actuaries at various levels, as well as four other interns. In my three-ish months as an intern I was able to contribute to every active project my team of 8, head some process improvements that allowed me to work with a senior member of our team, and produce an independent study that allowed me to get acquainted with our executive director. This office has a younger demographic, and felt lively and interactive compared to other companies with similar departments.

What I wish was different

Nothing! I really enjoyed my experience here.


Ask questions and get comfortable asking dumb questions, you’re 100% allowed to not know yet, but find the answer.
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General Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

I enjoyed everything about my experience. I got to learn so much about the whole company. You are given real work experience, not just filing papers.

What I wish was different



I would always advise individuals to really branch out! Network a lot! Its all about making the most of your experience!
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General Management Summer Associate

June - August 2019 • Blue Bell, PA

What I liked

Great opportunity for non-traditional majors to gain corporate exposure

What I wish was different

Managers were often too busy to give interns real projects


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General Management Summer Associate

June - August 2018 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

Great industry exposure and access to executive leadership, professioal development opportunities were fantastic, exceeded all of my expectations. They paid for housing, relocation, 401k matching, and put a lot of thought into your placement which was very evident in the roles everyone ended up in. The best part by far was my team and the position the company holds at the forefront of innovation in the industry.

What I wish was different

I wish there were better locations and more opportunities for a challenge.


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Network Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Philadelphia, PA

What I liked

My supervisors were very supportive and taught me a lot about how companies connect with sole proprietor or small businesses.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I learned a lot and feel comfortable reaching out to return next summer and pick up where I left off.


Let your supervisor know when you’re overwhelmed. You’re there to learn, not be a scapegoat for everyone’s work!
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General Management Intern

June - August 2018 • Sunrise, FL

What I liked

This position gave me great insight on the corporate world, along with connecting me with high leaders and managers of the company. I was able to complete some personal and team projects, always feeling like I was a valued employee.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to know more about other interns working with or near me


Take advantage of all the opportunities you are given. You will have the chance to talk to some of the top employees of the company, make sure you are interacting with them.
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Acturial Intern

May 2017 • Walnut Creek, CA

What I liked

They offered tons of training resources and real work to help benefit the company. They have a great rotational program and the internship is like an interview for the position and they let you know if they will make an offer about a month after the end of the internship.

What I wish was different

I wish the office I worked in was smaller but it’s okay because I enjoyed being in California


Apply early and have at least 1 actuarial exam passed before applying
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Business Analyst

June 2016 - October 2017 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

I enjoyed being thrown right into the business, needing to learn how that particular portion of the business worked, and then finding ways to help improve.

What I wish was different

I wish my management had provided more guidance during my internship experience.


Get exposure to as many different businsss departments as you can during an internship. That is the quickest way to find what you enjoy doing.
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Summer Associate

June - August 2018 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

The program was well developed. I had a role where I felt I was contributing. They had a large class of interns so there were a lot of opportunities to network with students from other schools. They paid for my housing and my flight to my location. They also had some cool workshops for the interns and a capstone project where you worked on a team with other interns to solve a problem the company gave us.

What I wish was different

The return offer is for a rotational leadership development program that is 4.5 years long. I wish the program were shorter. Other than that I had a good experience.


Just work hard, be friendly, and take the initiative and you will get a return offer. It is also important to express you interest in the program during the internship. Show that you would actually be willing to come back.
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Finance intern

June - August 2018 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

Culture, people!

What I wish was different

Workload / experience


To be yourself and meet many people
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IT Summer Associate

June - August 2017 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

My team was friendly and accommodating in bringing me on board, and I was able to work on an interesting set of problems related to application health monitoring and data analysis. The program is quite large in Hartford, meaning that you'll get to interact with the other dozens of interns and form friendships.

What I wish was different

Hartford at times can be a bit slower and less exciting of a city.


Talk to as many superiors as you can, put time on their calendars and schedule one-on-one meetings.
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General Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

I liked my day-to-day with the manager and team I was assigned. Phoenix was a great city to experience and the culture of Aetna there is great. The other associates you will meet are extremely supportive, and Aetna executives are more than willing to speak with interns.

What I wish was different

The overarching program I was in, General Management Summer Associate Program, did not have a lot of structure to it. Program director was a team of one, so lack of transparency with decisions, and very difficult to get feedback.


It is a great way to get your feet wet if you are interested in corporate health insurance, and the inner-workings of the executive level. Use the time you have in the summer to expand your network as much as possible - there are many networking opportunities
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January - April 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked


What I wish was different



Bevon time
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Pharmacy Technician

November 2018 • Hamlin, PA

What I liked

I enjoyed the fact that the job allowed hands-on experience that I used to better my knowledge of my college major.

What I wish was different


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Pharmacy Technician

June 2019 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I liked the job, though it is not a great area I like working in lower income areas, we get people not necessarily from different backgrounds just people that share the hardships of everyday life in Detroit.

What I wish was different

I wish we had better help, we would be able to help the people much more.


If you are looking to become a pharmacist, don’t hesitate by starting as a technician, whether 1 day work or a lot more you will learn.
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Finance Analyst Intern

September - December 2018 • Woonsocket, RI

What I liked

The opportunity to meet various professionals in different departments. That give me opportunity to network for my future career.

What I wish was different

The location.


Take every moment you have as the semester is much shorter than you imagine. Network with as many people as you can and ask for advice whenever possible.
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July 2017 • Fredericksburg, VA

What I liked

I loved the managment and organization

What I wish was different

I wish there was an easier way to communicate with vendors


Have a good relationship with your collegues
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