University of California, Davis (UC Davis)

Lab/ green house assistant

October 2018 - August 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to experience what a lab was really like and conducting actual research

What I wish was different

I wish my schedule was a little more secure


I would give the advice of just go out there and learn from whatever Job you can.
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Research Lab Assistant

April 2017 - August 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I liked my coworkers and boss. They were all friendly and helpful when I needed it. The work environment was pleasant, and I enjoyed going to work. I also liked that school was a priority to work, so there was less pressure.

What I wish was different



One piece of advice I have to share about this experience is to get into research your Junior Year so that it'll help you gain experience before graduating.
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Undergraduate Researcher

June - August 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

All of the student researchers were assigned research mentors based not only on research interests, but also academic goals.

What I wish was different

I wish the program could have started a little earlier.


I would tell students to be very open about the idea of conducted research that is outside their field of expertise because it allows you to gain a broader knowledge base.
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UE Assistant

May 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I like that I am able to work directly with UC Davis' accounting system (Kuali Financial System) because it is an entirely different experience than what I am normally used to.

What I wish was different

I wish that I was given more opportunities to work with Kuali Financial System in depth rather than remaining on a surface level.


It's gr8
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Undergraduate Researcher

July 2018 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed the freedom to work on things that interested me. I also enjoyed the project aspect of the experience and being able to work independently to deliver results on a project to my PI.

What I wish was different


Being able to work independently and learn new things on the fly is very important. For me, it was necessary to be proactive and learn things on my own in order to be successful and deliver the project.
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Student Assitant

June 2018 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I liked that I had a job to keep me busy and help me earn money throughout the summer

What I wish was different

I wish I could learn more things which are applicable to a career after graduation.


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Orientation Leader

March - June 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed interacting with students the most. Although we only had a short period of time together we were still able to form strong bonds with one another.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have worked in Orientation longer, I had a lot of fun.


Make sure you use your time management skills. Time management on this job is very important because we have to follow a strict schedule.
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Research assistant

January 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I was learning so many new things that were directly useful for my future career plans.

What I wish was different

That I was paid.


Don't be afraid to apply for an internship. You might think you're unqualified or think you won't get it but it is still important to try and you might end up pleasantly surprised.
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Publications Assistant

August 2017 - June 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed collaborating with a group of marketing professionals and learned useful skills that helped me earn a full-time position in higher education marketing.

What I wish was different

I don't wish my experience had been different.


One piece of advice I'd give to undergraduate students working in a field they want to pursue after graduation is to network and build strong connections with their coworkers and supervisors. Go above and beyond your job duties and always ask questions and try to learn as much as possible. By building a solid relationship with your current coworkers, they can recommend you to other professionals they know and help you with the job search.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May 2019 • Davis, CA

What I liked

The friendly work atmosphere.

What I wish was different



Communication skills are very important!
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Student Assistant

April 2018 • Davis, CA

What I liked

Very Friendly work environment with lots of professional development opportunities.

What I wish was different

Many student assistants only stay for a short period before moving onto internships that better align with their future career choices.


Learn to manage your time effectively
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