Adecco Staffing, USA

Temporary Event Worker

November 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

It was a good experience at Cisco

What I wish was different

I wish I had a full time job in marketing at Cisco


Just take any job possible
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May - August 2023 • Morris, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed the people I worked with. Most of them looked out for me because I was so young.

What I wish was different

I wish some of the managers had a little bit more respect for their workers, there was clearly some underlying bias against certain people.


Its good pay with decent hours, staying on the boss's good side can go a long way.
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May - August 2020 • Coatesville, PA

What I liked

I really like the work environment, it was friendly, welcoming and productive at the same time.

What I wish was different

I wish my work schedule was a little different.


One piece of advice I would give is make sure you are on time, and never leave you ID home because without it you won't be allow into the building.
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Fulfillment Associate

May - August 2018 • Chippewa Falls, WI

What I liked

The tasks were simple and not work intensive.

What I wish was different

Given the job the tasks were repetitive and left little room for personal growth.


This is really just a summer type job or a job for in between careers. It most likely is not a position you would want as your career unless you got a hiring or management position.
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Business Operations Intern

June 2018 • Melville, NY

What I liked

I enjoy that it's hands on and I am able to apply what I learn in class to a real business setting.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more responsibilities and I worked on things by myself.


I would advise to put yourself out there and learn your strengths and weaknesses.
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July - August 2018 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

Very steady hours and we got out early some days. The environment and people I was working with made the job very enjoyable.

What I wish was different

It is a factory-esque setting so be ready for some long days.


Appreciate the people you work with, they will become your best networking experience.
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Event Setup Cordinator

August 2017 • Calvert City, KY

What I liked

Freedom to move about and tackle tasks with my own methods.

What I wish was different

Organization and communication was poor.


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Camera Test Engineer

May - August 2018 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

I was a contractor at the Google Mountain View Campus---I liked the work culture and the freedom I got as an employee there.

What I wish was different

At the end of the day, contractors are still different from employees, so that was a bit of a hurdle.


Take any experience you can get! Beggars can't be choosers, so just try to make the most of it, even if you don't feel like it's interesting.
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CEO for One Month

June - July 2017 • Jacksonville, FL

What I liked

An absolutely amazing company to work for! Through the CEO for One Month program I gained fantastic insight into the worlds of business and staffing. The Adecco Group has a great company culture and fantastic resources to help young people realize their potential. I know many people have mixed reviews about staffing companies, but the Adecco Group is truly a wonderful organization to work for and something I would strongly recommend to anyone considering an opportunity here.

What I wish was different

I wish my experience would have been longer. It was unlike any other internship i've ever had!


If you are thinking about applying, go for it! It will literally change your life and expose you to so many excellent opportunities. Even those individuals who are not ultimately selected to be CEO for One Month receive great support and experience!
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