City of Minneapolis - Public Works

About City of Minneapolis - Public Works

Public Works is a department within the City of Minneapolis government. The department of Public Works is a multifunctional agency providing a variety of maintenance, infrastructure and general services to the residents and business establishments of the City of Minneapolis. The department has nine divisions and employs over 1,000 people.


Traffic and Parking Intern

May 2023 - August 2023 Minneapolis, MN
“I loved how willing everyone was to help me get used to the office life, and making sure that I was on my feet. I truly felt like my team was there to help me and make sure I had everything I needed to flourish. Going out to do counts and parking studies was really nice and allowed me to get out and walk around instead of being in the office all day, I was also given a bit of creative freedom to try and figure out ways to present the data we collected and display it in a way that was digestible for the city council. I also really loved that they were willing to have me do tours of different public works buildings so I could better understand everything the public works department does, I especially loved the tours for the Mississippi Watershed District and the water treatment plant. This internship is more than just an internship, there are a lot of great connections, experiences, and things to learn about the city.”

Public Works Equity Team Intern

May 2023 - December 2023 Minneapolis, MN
“I appreciated the opportunity to be a part of different projects that pushed me to learn new skills. I really enjoyed the team I got to work on during this internship. I was able to connect with so many people at the City from different divisions who were passionate about equity within the City and learn about their stories and careers.”
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