City On A Hill

social work intern

February - October 2020 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I liked the variety of roles that I operated and learned while there. I appreciated the Christian/helping-hands atmosphere. I was blessed to have a wonderful supervisor who taught through experience the social work values and code of ethics.

What I wish was different

COVID 19 showed up during this time and a stay at home order was issued in March. I wish this had not have happened, but don't we all.


Regardless of the situation and circumstances, there is so much to learn out in the field of work. Make the most of your internship - asking questions, paying attention, and engaging as much as possible!
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PR Intern

June - August 2018 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I loved working for City on a Hill because offered me a variety of communication experience , while showing me the innerworkings of a succesful non-profit organization.

What I wish was different


Listen and do every peice of work given to you no matter how big or small it will teach you something new.
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