Clearwater Analytics, LLC.

About Clearwater Analytics, LLC.

Clearwater Analytics is the world's leading investment accounting solution and provides the most trusted investment data aggregation, reconciliation, accounting, and reporting. Our investment reporting software allows clients to radically simplify their current operational processes and establish greater accuracy, speed, and scalability.


Software Developer Intern

May 2019 - August 2019 Boise, ID

Software Engineering Intern

May 2019 - August 2019 Boise, ID
“Clearwater has a well run intern program. On my team we had 8 interns and 2 team leads, and worked on two projects. It was awesome to work on a team and learn more about my strengths and weaknesses. The team leads were great, and gave me a lot of personal time and advice. I know they wanted to help the interns as much as possible.”
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