Pretty good pay for being in retail, most of the people were really fun
What I wish was different
That people who used racist slurs during work hours in front of customers would not still hold a management (or any) position.
Stick up for yourself, if you don't have a good feeling there's a better opportunity out there for you.
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Retail Marketing Intern
May - August 2019 • Portland, OR
What I liked
A very friendly environment, and still learned a ton about the industry!
What I wish was different
I wish my management would have been slightly more clear on my assignment, but other than that it was very solid.
Network as much as you can
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Part Time Sales Associate
June - September 2019 • Portland, OR
What I liked
The atmosphere was inviting and engaging. I was surrounded by others who shared a love for an active lifestyle and learned how to market that towards others.
What I wish was different
Customer service is all about putting yourself out there to create those personal relationships with the consumers.
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Retail Salesperson
May - November 2019 • Boise, ID
What I liked
The people
What I wish was different
My starting wage
Work hard at everything
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Retail Salesperson
August 2018 - October 2019 • Tampa, FL
What I liked
Getting to learn how to be hands on and adapting to meet customers specific wants and needs.
What I wish was different
Could be slow at sometimes, and often days got repetitive.
I would recommend getting a retail job, it really enhances your ability to understand customers. You can take that new found knowledge and apply it to other jobs in whatever future career path you have.
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Sales Associate
June 2018 • Lake Oswego, OR
What I liked
I liked working in an upbeat and fun environment, the other associates treat you like family and the clientele are very nice, you can talk to them and have conversations, and many times you will recognize many of them returning from week to week.
What I wish was different
I wish that the schedule and time off was a little easier to work around because there were many times that I had something planned and couldn't or didn't happen to get that day off and so I had to work through the even I had planned.