
About cooledtured

cooledtured is an anime, vidoe game, TV movie or anything pop culture related action figure collectible store.


Data Research Analyst Intern

May 2024 - August 2024 Bensenville, IL
“It was a really good environment where they allowed me to apply the skills I've honed inro a business environment. It was very collaborative and they continuously invited new ideas. I like that our data analysis projects held weight and contributed to their company's decisions moving forward, making our work meaningful. Cooledtured allowed individual growth and the superiors were there to help but at the same time held me accountable and treated me like a true professional.”

UI/UX Designer Intern

April 2024 - August 2024 Bloomingdale, IL
“What I liked was the experience and knowledge I could gain. I could apply skills and communicate within a team to accomplish weekly tasks. ”
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