Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility

About Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility

Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF) is a national user facility that supports a broad range of nanoscale science and technology projects by providing state-of-the-art resources coupled with expert staff support. CNF has been serving the science and engineering community since 1977! Over 700 users per year (50% of whom come from outside Cornell) use the fabrication, synthesis, computation, characterization, and integration resources of CNF to build structures, devices, and systems from atomic to complex length-scales. Our CNF REU research projects encompass chemistry, nanoscale electronics, materials processing, physical sciences, engineering, and life sciences, with a strong inter-disciplinary emphasis.


Research Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Ithaca, NY
“The Cornell Nanotechnology Facility research internship was a very tangible and satisfying experience. I was picked by the same professor and mentor that I worked with over the summer. I saw both of them many times and I was able to iterate my research with my mentor, while we worked together to characterize a design. Besides the research itself, the city of Ithaca was beautiful and full of life. Waterfalls and gorges cut through the campus and downtown and numerous hiking trails were nearby.”
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