Corning Incorporated

IT Intern, Service Desk Agent / KB Librarian

June - August 2022 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I had a great experience at the IT Service Desk at Corning Inc. You are taught everything you need to know and encouraged to ask questions, while also being sensible and learning on your own. This has just the right amount of training vs. independent work, and there is not someone constantly looking over your shoulder. The team is communicative and collaborative and I enjoyed working with all the people on the team! I also enjoyed the calls I took with the users, who often made me smile, gave me compliments, or made me laugh. Most people at Corning is relatable and cares about you and your professional development.

What I wish was different

I can't say I would want anything to be different. The only thing was the maintenance being done in the call center, which made most of the team go remote for a good portion of my time there, but it allowed me to grow close with a few of my coworkers who have become good friends now.


Be open to new experiences, be willing to learn, and remain calm. With any customer service job, there are some days you feel down, but you must be able to remain calm and collected. You must also be able to brush off certain downfalls. Everyone makes mistakes! Be willing to take responsibility for your mistakes and work hard to fix them in the future so you do not make the same mistake twice. You have an entire team here who are willing to help pick you back up when you inevitably fall down.
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Process Engineering Intern

May - August 2022 • Corning, NY

What I liked

Very nice people, work was meaningful to what they were doing, learned lots of professional skills

What I wish was different

Could be hard to get ahold of supervisors' occasional


Be open to criticism
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Organic/Biochemical Research Technician

May - August 2021 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I was able to learn about a different area of biology jobs available to me (industry vs academia) and see how Corning uses biology research to solve real world problems in manufacturing, which I found really interesting and engaging. The research I was part of was important and really cool and everyone there was great to work with.

What I wish was different


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Data Analytics & Reporting Intern

May - August 2021 • Corning, NY

What I liked

My manager gave me a lot of autonomy to solve problems I've been assigned and was receptive to any questions I might have.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more than one other intern on my team, although there were a total of 100 or so interns living in Corning.


Don't be afraid of asking questions to anyone in the office.
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Mechanical Engineering/Manufacturing Intern

May - August 2019 • Kennebunkport, ME

What I liked

I was treated like a first year engineer and given all of the responsibilities that come along with it, although I was only an intern. It was great to get real experience and I learned a ton from this internship.

What I wish was different


Network as much as you can and keep in touch once the internship is over.
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Engineering intern

May - August 2019 • Keene, NH

What I liked

The company was great to work for!

What I wish was different

I wish I had a different task for my internship.


Always check in with local engineering firms. They always seem to have an opening for an internship, but it is not posted.
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EHS Intern

May - August 2019 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere and the how they were able take the time to teach me so many great things.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been more prepared but by the end of it, I was confident in what I was doing.


Absorb all the information you can, push yourself
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Controls Engineer

January - August 2019 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I wasn’t stuck doing busy work. They treated me like any of the other engineers and kept me involved the whole time I was there.

What I wish was different

Relay mandatory learning material better/ HR material


Don’t be afraid to ask for help because more times than not your co-workers will be more than willing to share their knowledge
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Controls Intern

February 2019 • Wilmington, NC

What I liked

I enjoy learning new things that have to do with my experience for when I graduate. It was awesome getting to work in a professional environment.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish was different is that I had like a specific mentor that I could go to when I needed help with things.


Always make the most of your experiences because you never know who is watching!
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Development Intern

May - August 2019 • Corning, NY

What I liked

The work environment was great, friendly supervisor who helped me when I needed it but allowed me to independently research and learn. Large community of interns all staying in the dorms harbored easy friendships for the summer. Lots of nature activities nearby.

What I wish was different

Location is far from cities, so life is quiet. I was put on two projects at first and then had to down-select to one, but I wish I was only on one the whole time because there wasn't enough time to be working on two.


It's a fantastic place to learn about whether or not you want to work out of undergrad or continue to your graduate degree, because there are many employees here with all kinds of degrees and you can have 1 on 1 meetings with pretty much anybody you want to learn more about their job.
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Supply Chain Intern

May - August 2019 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I really enjoyed learning new skills and programs as well as the fact that the project I was given has real impact on the company rather than just being given busywork.

What I wish was different

I wouldn’t change anything about my experience. I think it was a very informative foray into the corporate world.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions. For the most part, people are more than willing to help and encourage you as long as you take the time to reach out.
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Electrical Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed learning how to code in Studio 5000 using ladder logic. I also learned how to design HMI displays using FactoryTalk. I had the opportunity to work hands on with Programming Logic Controllers on a daily basis.

What I wish was different


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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed the structure of the internship program and the opportunities the interns had to learn about the wide variety of opportunities offered at Corning Inc. The internship was a learning experience as well as the opportunity for hands on engineering work.

What I wish was different


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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Tewksbury, MA

What I liked

It was a great company, that cared a lot about their employees. They were very helpful and I learned a lot from them.

What I wish was different

I enjoyed it all. I would not have changed anything.


Do not be afraid to travel to get the opportunity that you want, and do not be afraid to ask questions.
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Process Engineer Intern

May - December 2018 • Big Flats, NY

What I liked

It was very enlightening, actually being able to see how engineering and manufacturing processes work, especially on a strict timeline and how to work quickly using as many resources as possible, and as as efficiently as possible.

What I wish was different

I wish I had moved to an apartment closer to work so that my commute was a little shorter. It would have also been nice if the time crunch on the company wasn't so pressing, because I had no real time to ask questions and find different jobs here and there. I was mostly pulling data from a database to finish off deviation reports, and didn't get to work much with the machinery because it was constantly in production mode.


I would advise any future employees to ask as many questions as possible and to get your hands dirty. People are busy and will not come search you out to give you jobs, you have to be proactive and ask people what needs to be done.
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Human Resource Leadership Development Program Intern

May - August 2018 • Corning, NY

What I liked

Friendly company culture

What I wish was different


The work was challenging but not overwhelming. The company culture and the way that they cater to interns is remarkable.
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Procurement intern

June - August 2018 • Manassas, VA

What I liked

Hands-on experience, networking and corporate communication

What I wish was different



It is a great company to work at, management understands your needs and is always willing to help. They also provide flexible schedule which is great when you’re a student.
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Optical technician

May - August 2018 • Fairport, NY

What I liked

They were really friendly and always did things to make empolyees feel wanted

What I wish was different

The number of hours I worked was occasionally alot


Even as a tech you can still get alot of engineering experience
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Corning, NY

What I liked

I liked the people that worked there - super nice, super friendly, super supportive environment. Great time, and very well established intern program. Loved my fellow interns, great people!

What I wish was different

I wish my role was more defined before I got to the internship!


Be patient! Have fun! Work hard and ask lots of questions early on. Time flies so enjoy it!
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Finance Intern

May - August 2017 • Corning, NY

What I liked

The company culture was very welcome and opening. The people there were very helpful and willing to teach.

What I wish was different

I wish i would have been given a little more responsibility in terms of projects.


Network and get to know as many people as possible during your work time as possible. It will be very beneficial in the long run.
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