County of Los Angeles

About County of Los Angeles

The County of Los Angeles serves a demographically and geographically diverse population of more than 10 million residents. Employing over 100,000 employees who work in roles as broad as law, civil engineering, public safety, healthcare, and human services, the County operates with an annual budget of over $43 billion for the fiscal year 2024 - 2025.

The County is a Fair Chance employer, committed to diversity and inclusiveness in our workforce. We are a culturally diverse economic and cultural hub, driving major elements of the national and world economies. It is the center for arts, media, and entertainment - unlike anywhere else in the world.

The County is one of the largest employers in the Southern California region. The spectrum of County jobs range from clerk to truck driver, environmental health professional to psychiatrist, scientist to scuba diver, attorney to helicopter pilot and reflects the complexity of County government. The County also recruits for executives to lead and manage operations and programs for all 38 departments.


Human services aide

February 2019 Commerce, CA
“There is a lot of freedom to schedule my own tasks. I am learning about social work. ”

Nutrition assistant, Joslyn Senior Center

June 2018 - August 2018 Claremont, CA
“Freedom to do what I wanted, and cross training at the jobsite”
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