Crossroads of the West Council, Scouting America

Program Director

April - August 2019 • Cora, WY

What I liked

I loved being in the outdoors! Being at Camp New Fork in the heart of the Wind River Mountain Range, there was nothing better providing a program for the development of life skills. I've worked at a Scout Camp for 6 summers and each summer is rewarding. Being a program director allowed me to continue to be with young people and develop their character and abilities. Scouting is program that prepares individuals for life.

What I wish was different

I wished there was more treks and high adventure options and other programs that could be offered. There were high adventure programs in the past, but recent changes had to postpone the program for awhile


Get involved with the Scouting program before or during the Scout Camp experience. Know the National BSA Accreditation Standards and Safe Scouting policies. Go through youth protection training. Also develop teaching and presentation skills. Scout Camp from the staff perspective is enjoyable and it will change your life.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2019 • Ovid, ID

What I liked

I loved my experience there as Bartlett's Waterfront Director. I had a great time surrounded by amazing people.

What I wish was different



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June - August 2018 • Ovid, ID

What I liked

Working with scouts

What I wish was different

Some of the staff


Be patient with the situation you are in because it will change.
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