Driscoll Chiropractic

About Driscoll Chiropractic

Welcome to Driscoll Chiropractic, where better health is within your reach. Together, we will to release your pain, share techniques to promote healing, and allow you to take back control of your body. Driscoll Chiropractic will work to address your pain and discomfort in as few treatments necessary to get you back to doing what you love as quickly as possible. We will give you strategies to remain pain-free, the ability to return to everyday activities, and the skills to sustain long-term health and peak performance. The approach to treatment and healing at Driscoll Chiropractic is to identify non-invasive, permanent solutions to overcome your pain and discomfort. Dr. Driscoll will listen to you, assess your situation, identify past challenges, and develop a personalized plan to resolve the issue using a well-rounded approach that promotes fast recovery.


Social Media Intern

June 2019 Webster, NY
“I enjoyed working with someone who allowed me to express new ideas, and collaborate with someone who was willing to be open to suggestions. My supervisor and I both worked in a very open environment, with the end goal of attaining growth and building brand awareness. We both learned new concepts which enabled us to grow together. ”
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