We at eClinicalWorks have dedicated our careers to improving healthcare. We listen to our customers and are proud that they consider us their partners. Each of our 5,000+ employees is working toward a common goal of providing the healthcare technology solutions of today and tomorrow. For more than 20 years, eClinicalWorks has been fulfilling a dream — to provide the best products and cloud-based solutions for every customer. It is that dream that drives us, that doesn’t let us sleep, and that guides the spirit of constant innovation that has made eClinicalWorks a leader in healthcare IT.
More than 130,000 doctors and nurse practitioners and 850,000 medical professionals worldwide rely upon eClinicalWorks to help them deliver quality care and industry-leading Practice Management solutions. Frost & Sullivan recognized us with their 2017 North American Ambulatory Revenue Cycle Management Customer Value Leadership Award. eClinicalWorks rated the highest for overall satisfaction in a January 2018 Reaction Data poll of nearly 900 physicians who use an EHR daily. And thousands of providers each year leave their legacy EHRs behind for the power and performance of eClinicalWorks.
To date, 19 eClinicalWorks customers have received the prestigious HIMSS Davies Award for excellence in implementing Electronic Health Records. Privately held, eClinicalWorks answers to customers, not shareholders. We are innovative, responsive, and consistently profitable, with 2019 revenues exceeding $600 million.