The Egoscue Method® is the world leader in non-medical pain relief. Since 1971 and with over 25 clinics worldwide, The Egoscue Method has helped thousands of individuals tap into their body’s ability to heal itself and free themselves of chronic pain. This easy and gentle method has a 94% success rate without the use of drugs, surgery or manipulation. We teach YOU how to regain control of your health without becoming dependent on another person or a machine.
We believe that your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Think about this: If you cut your arm, it doesn’t stay cut. If you break your leg, it doesn’t stay broken. Why are the herniated discs in your back, your torn meniscus, or your degenerative hip joint any different? The answer is THEY AREN'T! We simply have to give your body a chance to heal. Once that happens, you'll be well on your way to being pain free and living an active lifestyle.
Remember that your body is made to move and there are ZERO design flaws. Also keep in mind that any procedure, therapy, or modality that you choose to eliminate your pain should strive to return you to as close to that flawless design as possible. Our Egoscue therapists are trained to help you restore hope in your body and get you back to the active lifestyle that you once led.