Florida State University

Web Developer

May 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

Very professional and experienced group of people. Have learned a ton.

What I wish was different


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Medical Laboratory Technician

May 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

The exposure into cancer research offered by leading investigators at FSU.

What I wish was different


Getting involved took initiative; as a graduating student, if you want to gain better experiences, you have to go take them for yourself.
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Lab Intern

May - June 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I liked how structured it was. I felt like I learned a lot.

What I wish was different

I would have liked more tasks to do.


Have fun and make the most of it!
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Orientation Leader

May 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I loved working with other students to welcome the class of 2023 to this university! I also loved being able to improve my communication, public speaking, and feeling the impact I was making on this university.

What I wish was different

I wish that my experience lasted longer, and that I was able to meet more students, but I understand that the summers are only so long!


One piece of advice would be for students going through this experience to really utilize the time you have with the students because it's very likely that after they leave orientation, you won't ever see them again. So make the most out of the three days that you have with your students.
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Front Desk Receptionist

May - August 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

It was very flexible and helped me work on my interpersonal skills.

What I wish was different

The hours, I wish they had been later or earlier.


Always take a summer job.
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University Ambassador

January 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I loved the networking opportunities I have had as well as the chance to improve on public speaking.

What I wish was different

The pay


Putting yourself out there is the only way to begin to experience new things that peak you're interested! And if you find out that you don't like it, then at least you got the chance to try it!
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Research intern

January - May 2018 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

My supervisor was great, through the InternFSU program we had scheduled meetings to talk about my progress, so there was always great communication. I was also given the opportunity to do many new things and network with other professionals who worked in the building.

What I wish was different

I wish the project I had been working on had gone on longer, but I knew it would be a semester when I went in.


Make the most out of it that you can, talk to the people you work immediately with and anyone in the hallway, chances are they can or probably can introduce you to someone who can help further you professionally in some way.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

September 2018 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I really enjoyed setting up the participants for the Study. My research was EEG focused so I got to learn how to apply EEG caps and its electrodes in order to get a good connection in order to read the brainwaves. I really enjoyed the hands-on aspect of the research which kept it from getting boring.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have worked some more shifts during my second semester which was cut short due to my class schedule.


Try to learn as much as you can while you are involved in the research. It is a valuable and unique experience you may never be able to have again.
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Food Safety Research Intern

September - December 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I loved being in a laboratory, conducting research to improve food safety/quality.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time!


Apply, apply, apply!!
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Physics Research Intern

April 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

Interesting work

What I wish was different

More results


It’s easy to get involved
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Psychology Research Assistant

April 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I loved the opportunity to expand my horizons and learn about new things that I normally wouldnt have

What I wish was different

I wish I had a salary


Ensure that your schedule is flexible enough to accomplish your ambitions
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Psychology Department Researcher

May 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I liked the opportunity to collaborate with other researchers.

What I wish was different


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Psychologist Research Assistant

July 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

It’s great experience for my career.

What I wish was different



Make sure to get as involved as you can.
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Administrative Assistant

March - September 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I enjoyed working at the CGE, I loved meeting new students, and helping advisors.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had the opportunity to work there full time.


It's always nice to meet new people and be nice.
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Project Coordinator

May 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I like to make sure everything is organized and ready to go out into the field to collect data, as well as teaching students the proper ways to conduct field research.

What I wish was different



Get involved in research.
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Biology Research Intern

June - August 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

It was really fun research and I got paid for doing it!

What I wish was different


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Software Lead

January 2019 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

Real experience

What I wish was different

More people on my sub-team


Everyone should try and do undergraduate research!
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Lab Assistant

January 2017 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I really enjoyed having the experience of being a part of a larger campus while knowing I'm going back to a smaller one. Being able to be heavily involved in an actual research lab setting was a ton of fun, and it taught me more than some full unit classes have. Having the opportunity to work directly with several grad students and learn about what they do and do it for myself and get my own results was amazing!

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to stay longer, really. It can be difficult to get immediate or quick lab results, and I would love to stay there for months at a time to start and finish a full project.


Try to be self-sustaining and a quick learner. Everyone I worked with was very helpful in teaching me things about how a lab works and especially the chemistry behind what I was doing in the lab, but it was definitely helpful in my day-to-day if I was able to pick things up since lab work can sometimes be repetitive, or I need to apply a concept to a different situation.
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Research Assistant

May - August 2018 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

Working with robots in the field of research I'm interested in

What I wish was different



You get out what you put in
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REU Fellow

May - August 2018 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

I was able to work closely with a PI, mentor, and grad student to gain a hands on approach of the research topic. I learned a great deal about the field of study and this helped me understand what my future plans would be.

What I wish was different

I wish the particular program I applied to had been larger that year, but this was a fault of the budget and not the program.


When applying to REU programs, apply to many different programs as they are highly competitive. Cater your application to the particular program, and reach out to the facilitators if they do not contact you as listed on the web sites.
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