To empower those in need by addressing the underlying cause of poverty; providing a comprehensive plan, and supporting their journey to self-sufficiency.
Every individual embodies their worth and value with self-esteem, hope and abilities restored, thriving in affordable housing.
• Kindness – Remember Kindness is Contagious!
• Connection – It’s why we’re here and what gives purpose & meaning to life!
• Kinship – We want you and those we serve to feel a sense of Belonging
• Self-Worth – Treat people the way they can become w/True Value & Worth!
• Self-Reliance – Learn your role and take initiative!! We want “Fishermen”!
• Golden Rule: To treat all people as we ourselves would wish to be treated.
• Positive Influence: To judge our effectiveness by the extent to which individual lives are saved & improved by the positive experience of the people we influence.
• Leadership: To lead by example, developing, promoting and sharing new ideas and programs to help those experiencing homelessness.
• Authenticity: To do what we say we do.
• Transparency: To be open and honest in our relationships.