Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed

About Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed

Our mission:

"To engage individuals, businesses and communities in protecting and improving the lakes, ponds and streams of the Cobbossee Watershed."

Our Objectives

Promote public awareness of water quality issues.
Educate the public about strategies to protect water quality.
Enlist citizen, community and municipal involvement.
Support initiatives by agencies and related lake associations benefiting the Cobbossee Watershed.
Conduct programs and projects to achieve our goals.


Courtesy Boat Inspector

May 2018 - August 2019 Winthrop, ME
“I was fortunate to find a summer job related to my major, environmental studies. My work was important to me because I was taking part in keep Maine lakes clean. I also liked how I was able to work outside all day. Most summer jobs are indoors, so I was lucky to get the chance to be outside. ”

Curtesy Boat Inspector

May 2018 - August 2020 Winthrop, ME
“This was a great opportunity to work outdoors during the summer months between semesters. I was fortunate to find a job related to my major (environmental studies) in some way. ”
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