We do have a multi-layered mentorship program. Each new associate is paired with a senior associate whom they shadow during training and who serves as a resource throughout the onboarding process and beyond. Additionally, the entire Associate team is managed by a former associate and the revenue ...
The ability to persist and adapt quickly. We use the word "pivoting" here frequently. Our service and research is state-of-the-art, but many of our clients are hesitant about bringing on a third-party perspective. Being able to convince prospective clients that our research will add capacity and ...
Business Development
Market Research
Hanover Research
Being able to pitch Hanover to my college was an interesting but insightful question. Most of our clients are higher education institutions, so for people still in college, the ability to think critically about macro-level issues in higher ed is crucial.
Business Development
Market Research
Behavioral Interview Questions
Hanover Research