Harry Meyering Center, Inc. (HMC) is a non-profit organization serving individuals with disabilities. We provide support through three programs; Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), Community Residential Supports (CRS) and InHome Supports (IHS). Our ICF includes four apartments and two offsite homes serving a total of 35 individuals which are staffed 24 hours a day. Our CRS is a group home setting in which we have 14 homes in Mankato, 2 homes in North Mankato, and 2 homes in Eagle Lake. Each of these homes houses three to five individuals that are staffed 24 hours a day. Our IHS program serves individuals that live independently or with a roommate in various apartment complexes around Mankato. These individuals receive a few hours of service a week, whether it be to get to medical appointments, grocery shopping, or balancing their checkbook.