Our vision
Health, dignity, and justice for every human being.
Our mission
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health works to improve health and promote equity so all people can thrive.
Together, we:
DISCOVER| Research drivers of health, disease, and inequity and develop powerful solutions.
TEACH | Train creative leaders to identify, analyze, and tackle challenges to population health.
ENGAGE | Collaborate with policy makers, practitioners, and the public to drive meaningful change.
Our values
As members of the Harvard Chan School community:
We uphold the highest standards of scientific, academic, and personal integrity.
We defend health as a human right.
We respect the dignity of every human being.
We prize rigorous science.
We value life-long learning.
We champion collaboration, inclusivity, and access.
We embrace the work of dismantling oppression and advancing equity.
We commit to building a healthier and more sustainable world for all.