Haynes Law, P.A

About Haynes Law, P.A

The Law Offices of Haynes and Laurent, P.A. is dedicated to defending the causes of the criminally accused, advancing the civil rights of the oppressed, and representing the injured. Other areas of practice include personal injury, premises liability, wrongful death, real estate law, sports and entertainment law, and contract litigation.



June 2013 - March 2022 Orlando, FL
“Mr. Haynes and Mr. Laurent provide a positive work environment that also promotes educational learning through the tasks they ask of one to complete. Work flow varies depending upon the attorneys' case loads and the publicity of some of their cases. I enjoyed getting to work on high profile cases and scheduling interviews and media relations. I also relished being hands on when working with clients such as assisting in jury duty selection or editing motion drafts for the attorneys to file with the courts.”
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