It was a great learning experience, as I was exposed to many different kinds of roles at the company and was able to take some free trainings that provided valuable skills beyond what I was gaining from the internship.
Moreover, everyone at Hildebrand was really supportive and constantly working together, which was a great atmosphere to work in!
What I wish was different
I wish I had gotten a little more guidance at the beginning because we were quickly thrown into work we had never done before, but this was also the first time they had done this kind of internship so it was understandably more trial and error.
I also wish I had been able to be in-person for this internship because I missed out on the more authentic feel of being in person with families and co-workers.
Ask questions! Yes, it's ok to make mistakes, but this type of work can be very high stakes as we're working with families dealing with homelessness, food insecurity, and mental/physical disabilities, so it's really important to check-in and figure out what exactly you have to do to make sure you effectively handle the issue.