Mentoring in Medicine & Science

About Mentoring in Medicine & Science

Mentoring in Medicine & Science, Inc. (MIMS) is a nonprofit organization operating in Oakland, California. The mission of MIMS is to increase the number of underrepresented health professionals through mentoring, career exposure, and leadership development. Since its inception in 2006, MIMS has impacted over 3500 youth and young adults through its pre-health programs, conferences, and mentoring relationships.



June 2019 - July 2019 Oakland, CA
“I really loved shadowing doctors and nurses, and learning how to connect with other people. ”


June 2018 - July 2018 Oakland, CA
“One of the best things about the program is the networking and exposure that you get. There were plenty of opportunities and events where we talked to health professionals, and people pursuing those careers. ”
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