Michael Lynn Animation Studio

Sound Design Intern

January - April 2023 • Ann Arbor, MI

What I liked

I really enjoyed how the internship was structured to improve my sound design portfolio but also the important skills freelancers need to market themselves.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have seen some of the final results of the projects I was working on.


Feel free to be creative and push boundaries with your projects.
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Graphic Designer Intern

July 2023 - March 2024 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

There was a good range of projects included within my internship, which really made my internship experience enjoyable. I really liked the amount of projects I was given, and the different people I was working with both on team projects and individual assignments. The people I worked with were great, and I was able to get really great feedback on the work I was doing and getting the opportunity to build out my portfolio.

What I wish was different

Sometimes there was less information and communication than I would have preferred. Establishing better forms of communication would be one thing I wish was different.


Really good experience if you want to work on unique projects across a range of medias. As long as you stay on top of the work, the experience will be incredibly valuable.
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Marketing Internship

May - August 2023 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I liked how Michael was very invested in learning about my career goals, what I specifically wanted to get out of my internship, and his communication style. The strategies that he taught me at the start of my internship have been incredibly useful not only for my second half of the internship, but for my professional career as I have applied those strategies to my job. Him walking me through what I wanted to get out of this internship helped me narrow my focus on what type of marketing career I want to pursue moving forward.

What I wish was different

The client that I was set up to work on a campaign with was not great with communication. If there was a different client who had stronger communication with me, I think that would have helped me out a lot with applying what I learned from Michael to my campaign. I also could have made a better effort to get the client when I needed them through follow-up phone calls, emails, etc.


Don't be afraid to ask for help. Michael is a very understanding person who will genuinely take the time to have a phone call with you, work through what you're struggling with, and make sure you're on the right track for success.
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April - June 2023 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I found my experience working for Michael and his company to be very beneficial in my artistic career. I gained a lot of experience in the field I want to be in. I was able to expand my portfolio by working on professional projects with real clients. Michael and his team were very kind and great mentors.

What I wish was different

The communication was a little slow, but other than that I really didn't have any issues with the internship other than it being unpaid.


Something to be prepared for would be to have good communication skills, and make sure you are on the same page as your instructor and client.
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Animator Intern

October 2022 - January 2023 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

The company was easy to access over the internet, the tasks were lenient, and I was able to learn a new skill I had not developed as of yet.

What I wish was different

While it is not fault of the company, I wish I was given tasks that fit more of my skill set, but I appreciate the new skills I was taught while there.


Always put your best foot forward and do your best to adapt and succeed.
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Intern Animator

October 2022 - January 2023 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed my internship with Michael Lynn Animation Studio. I felt as though I learned a lot about the industry and what it takes to create and be a part of a functioning animation pipeline. Michael and Ty were both kind, informative mentors that were eager to help me succeed!

What I wish was different

My only gripe was that the communication during the interviewing/art test process of the internship was confusing.


Checking your email regularly is very important for this remote based internship!
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August 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

My experience at Michael Lynn had been quite a learning experience, and I really felt like everything that I've learned mattered. I'm a junior at GVSU, and everything that I learned in this internship were applicable to my course work for animation and illustration, and vise versa. The work environment was so kind! The emails I received from Ty and Michael were quick and always full of helpful feedback and encouragement / praise. My experience communicating with them when I had questions can be summed up in one word: Reliable.

What I wish was different

One problem I had were how the hour logs on Google Sheets were managed. I felt that Google Sheets could sometimes be a little confusing to look at since the spreadsheet was too long,. Maybe it would be helpful to have different sheet documents for each month.


Go in with a positive attitude. The good vibes and energy you give out comes right back to you. Also, always communicate. That's key in any job, as it helps you build trust with one another. If you submitted task, need clarification, or even have issues meeting a deadline, don't hesitate to let Ty or Michael know because they will understand, and even seek to help in any way they can.
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Writing Intern

August - December 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

Very friendly environment and amazing opportunities! Everyone is so cool and supportive so you can get real feedback on your work without feeling performance pressure or anxiety. If you're looking for a place to build up your creative and professional portfolio then Michael Lynn Animation Studio is the place! I has such a fun time interning with them and I hope to keep in contact for future projects :)

What I wish was different

Not much!


Always say yes to opportunities and put in your best effort! Sometimes doing the little "busy work" might bring you into a larger project!
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Animation Intern

September - December 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I really enjoyed my time as an intern here! Michael Lynn Animation Studio listened to my goals and needs as an animator and even put me on projects that catered to those goals/needs. I appreciated how supportive and understanding the people at this company were, and having a flexible schedule that didn't conflict with my classes was another great bonus!

What I wish was different

The internship is remote, which is great and makes things easier, but I do like face to face experiences, especially when there is a technical issue or something I don't know how to fix.


If you're feeling overwhelmed or lost in a project, never feel like you can't reach out! This company wants you to succeed, so don't hesitate being open and honest with them about any struggle you may have.
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Illustration Intern

July - October 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I loved that I had the flexibility to be able to work at my own pace at my own time. I also liked the freedom that I was given within the projects that I was tasked with. I appreciated how accommodating they were around my work and school schedule and gave me extensions when I wasn't able to meet the deadline.

What I wish was different

Not a lot, I enjoyed the experience.


Don’t be too overambitious. Be patient and take it one at a time, you will get there eventually.
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Sound Designer Intern

September - December 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I really enjoyed the creative freedom and control the company allowed to me have when I was assigned a project. I also appreciated how I was able to create my own schedule and change it on the fly if it called for that.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to see more of the projects I worked on come to fruition.


Get ready to spend a lot of time organizing and managing the hundreds of sound effects and music files you will be downloading.
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Legal Research / Project Management

July - November 2022 • Bay City, MI

What I liked

- The flexibility to create my own schedule was pretty convenient - Both Ty and Michael are easy to get along with and they both are understanding and respectful to their interns - That overall, it is a pretty relaxed environment that is quite efficient and organized.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship could have been in person, as opposed to being remote.


Try and have a consistent work schedule. It'll help keep you organized in general.
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Marketing Intern

September - November 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

The team I worked with was friendly and supportive, along with everyone at the company. The hours were flexible and allowed me to complete my work as I saw fit. I was given a variety of engaging tasks to complete and expand my experience in many different fields.

What I wish was different

While I understand the importance of laying groundwork for projects, I was unfortunately unable to see any of the major projects I worked on to completion.


Don't be afraid to ask for help. What you get out of this experience will be equal to what you put in.
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Storyboard artist

May - September 2022 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

What I liked about working as a storyboard artist for Michael Lynn Animation Studio is that the assignments and deadlines they give will get you ready for bigger studios and the freelance world.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more diverse art styles to work with. But I know the business casual art styles appeal more to the companies you'll work for.


The one piece of advice I have is practice, practice, practice. If you're serious about having a career in the realm of animation or art in general, brushing up on the fundamentals will only improve your skills.
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Writing Intern

August - September 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

This internship was a great opportunity to gain experience in writing and was very accommodating to my school schedule.

What I wish was different

I do wish there was an office in grand rapids to work in.


For a remote job like this, time management is priority.
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Student Intern

January - May 2022 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with Michael Lynn Animation Studio! The projects were based around my experience as well as interests in other areas. Such as, I worked on storyboarding for an animated short as well as for advertising. Then moved to working on illustrations and started learning how to rig characters. I liked that I was able to work from home and was able to create my own schedule. Communication was simple and my supervisors responded in a timely manner which was great to receiving feedback! Overall, I had a great experience and everyone I worked with was super nice!

What I wish was different


Advice I would give is to stay on schedule. What I mean by that is when you work remotely and create your schedule for the upcoming week(s) is use that to your advantage on getting projects done. There will be times where something in life may happen and you will need to cut hours or miss a day which is OK, but remember that the more you procrastinate or push hours for later, you are less likely to produce the best work possible when you end up rushing. Or as they say, "crunching in your hours." Pace yourself and you will do great!
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Animator Intern

March - August 2022 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

I liked being able to tackle a lot of different kinds of software and get good feedback on my work. It was also a good opportunity to learn new skills and talents.

What I wish was different

It would've been nice to have some more direct one on one time with the instructors in terms of feedback on our work, since meetings were usually just once a week.


To go in and be prepared to learn a variety of new programs.
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marketing writer

June - August 2022 • Crofton, MD

What I liked

It was a very welcoming team that allowed me to write without fear or hesitation. They offered wonderful edits and trusted my skill.

What I wish was different

Not much it was wonderful.


Take it one draft at a time.
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Digital Animation Intern

January 2019 - February 2020 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

Michael is a very professional person and great to work alongside with. I appreciated the variety of animation-based work I was able to do, and there was a decent amount of flexibility. I worked remotely before it was a mainstream practice and it was smooth even back then.

What I wish was different

I would've liked a bit more time to connect 1-on-1 with Michael – but again, my internship took place prior to remote work being common.


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Animation Intern

September 2020 - April 2021 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I really liked the personal interaction between Michael Lynn and I. I also liked how we brainstormed some different ways for me to accomplish tasks throughout the internship. As well as being patient and giving me pointers where I needed them.

What I wish was different

Not a whole lot, I maybe wish that I had a bit more time to talk with Michael Lynn sometimes. However, it might've been on my end as to why we didn't talk as much.


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