Great networking experience with industry professionals, staff that made our work exciting and enjoyable, great perks such as concert tickets/meet and greets/entry into festivals, management that was friendly and easy to work with, flexible scheduling
What I wish was different
Since it was a non paid internship and lots of driving to and from our station and long events, I wish we would have been stipend for transportation and meals during our events.
It was a great first internship for me and the flexible hours made it possible to have other jobs over the summer. You can put a lot of time into it by working lots of events and having weekly office hours. With this internship you get out of it what you put into it.
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Promotions Intern
April - September 2019 • Milwaukee, WI
What I liked
What I wish was different
Really, all I did was stand behind a table at events. I didn't learn anything.