We are a diverse, inclusive, and innovative Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) committed to empowering you to live a vibrant and whole live. Every aspect of our church centers on the belief that every single person is loved by God and has a purpose. We are committed to being a no-judgment environment that embraces everyone from every walk of life to join us as we seek to live healthy lives and work to create a more beautiful and just world, one subversive act of love at a time.
We believe that actions speak louder than words, and works are more important than belief. We’re a church that celebrates curiosity and conviction, and doesn’t think that we’ve got it all (or anything) figured out. We believe that by walking together as a diverse community with different beliefs and opinions, we’re all challenged to grow and expand our thinking, which is kind of the point. Most of all, we are a community. We are committed to loving and doing life with each other through the thick and thin of it, and pulling together our collective energies to make a tangible impact on San Diego for the common good of everyone.