Montana State University – University Studies

Chemical Research Engineer

May 2021 • Bozeman, MT

What I liked

Very flexible schedule and interesting research

What I wish was different


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Student Research

May 2021 • Bozeman, MT

What I liked

I liked being able to work on campus with other people in my major. This was my first job that was relevant to my major, and it was fun to finally put what I've learned to use. What surprised me was how much I was able to learn from this job. I feel like this job has been more useful than some of the courses I have taken. The job taught me so much just within the first couple weeks. I would not feel as prepared for my Senior Design class had I not gotten the experience I got this summer, and am still getting. I also enjoyed being able to meet so many other people. Being able to work with some professors here on campus and some coworkers across the country, I have met a lot of people and gotten a lot of outsourcing.

What I wish was different

I don't really wish anything was different. The job blindsided me with how much I would like it, I just wish I joined a lot sooner. Jobs are a lot more fun when you do work in what you like.


I would tell others to join research on campus because the professors realize that you are still a student first. They are willing to help teach you, answer your questions, and work with your wild schedule.
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