Welcome to Richland County Sheriff's Department
“Enriching community trust through high standards of excellence.”
Located in the heart of South Carolina, Richland County is home to Columbia, the Capital City, six universities and colleges, the nation's largest military training base and a pristine array of lakes, rivers, forests and parks. Richland County covers 756 square miles and has a population of over 401,000 making it the second most populous county in South Carolina.
The Richland County Sheriff's Department is built on the cornerstone of a rich and proud law enforcement tradition that spans over 200 years. The Department currently employs over 700 uniformed officers and 140 non-sworn personnel, making it one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the State.
“It is our mission, as trusted public servants, to prevent crime and the fear of crime by providing excellence in law enforcement services, accountability and connections with our communities.”
Our mission is supported by our core values: “A passion for service, integrity, accountability and professionalism”