Welcome to the Groundwater and Water Resources (GWR) research group at San Francisco State University
The Groundwater and Water Resources (GWR) research group is part of the Department of Earth & Climate Sciences at San Francisco State University. The "Hydro Group" studies hydrologic, climatologic, and biogeochemical processes that affect sustainable groundwater and surface-water resources in California and the western United States
Groundwater and Water Resources (GWR) Research Group
Our "Hydro group" uses modeling-, field-, and laboratory-based approaches to understand:
→ Groundwater and suface water resource availability, sustainability, and vulnerability assessment; and related environmental engineering applications, especially within the context of urban and agricultural water management.
→ Vadose zone (unsaturated zone) and soil-water processes, including quantifying & mapping recharge quantity and quality and preferential flow;
→ Aqueous geochemistry;
→ Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus;
→ Managed aquifer recharge;
→ Low Impact Development (LID) effects on recharge quantity and quality;
→ Hydroclimatology and climate change / variability effects on water resources;
→ Contaminant hydrogeology and nonpoint-source contamination at watershed to regional scales, including groundwater-vulnerability assessments to nitrate;
→ Saltwater intrusion and submarine groundwater discharge as related to the management of coastal aquifers systems;
→ Interdependencies between climatic-hydrologic-land use and subsurface processes;
→ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) modeling and uncertainty analysis.