Television Academy Foundation

Documentary Development Intern

June - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I loved that every intern was given their own company to work with, depending on the area of film-making they wanted to grow in. I worked with a documentary production company called Daniel H. Birman Productions. I never felt like I was an intern. There was so much respect and my views were valued. I was included in all the meetings, including those with executives from other companies like Netflix. I learnt so much during this internship period. I also loved all the networking and professional development events which the Television Academy Foundation had planned for all interns. We got to meet some of the giants in the TV and Film industry as well as successful alumni of the Internship Program. Overall, I liked the exposure and networking opportunities given. I also love that our cohort was very diverse.

What I wish was different

To be honest, this internship experience was beyond my expectations! I loved every bit of it.


It is a life-changing experience, and students should come in ready to learn, get exposure and have a time of their life!
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