The Mission Continues

About The Mission Continues

The Mission Continues empowers veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to life at home to find new missions. We redeploy veterans in their communities, so that their shared legacy will be one of action and service.

Through the Mission Continues, veterans serve their country in new ways by engaging in our innovative and action-oriented programs. The first, The Mission Continues’ Fellowship, harnesses veterans’ strengths, skills, and their compassion and empowers them to volunteer with non-profit organizations in their community on a daily basis. The second, The Mission Continues’ Service Platoons, brings teams of veterans who are working together with partners at the local level to build stronger communities and tackle pressing issues.



May 2012 Phoenix, AZ
“This organization does so much for both the civilian community and the veteran community. The people make these projects we do across the valley amazing. I am proud to say I work with The Mission Continues.”
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