The New York Times

Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The culture, the mission, the people, the diversity, the building.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I have done so much over my internship I can’t think of anything that could’ve been different.


Everything starts with an application. Don’t be shy to send your resume, the worst you can get is a rejection.
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Journalism research intern

February 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

It is a excellent experience for working for a professional business reporter

What I wish was different


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Multiplatform Editing Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I gained first-hand experience, and I was treated as an actual employee rather than an intern. I edited stories just like the other full-time editors, and I got to publish stories directly to The Times' website once I was done. It was an incredible experience.

What I wish was different

There was a lot of downtime, but that wasn't so much the position as it is the industry.


Believe in yourself. I would sometimes question my abilities, but I had to realize that I was chosen, so everyone there believed I was capable enough for the job.
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Business Summer Intern - Consumer Insights

June - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Highlights: Managers really valued my opinion, loved the other interns and the intern project, amazing access to everyone at the company, great speaker series Overall, this was an extremely valuable internship. If you're interested in business at a company that does meaningful work, this is a great internship program for you. My favorite thing about NYT was that their mission and core values permeated the entire company and extended far beyond the newsroom. This made it a very inspiring place to come in and work every day. Also, I grew a lot during this internship personally, as it was my first internship at a large company, and I came away from the experience much more outgoing, able to talk to more senior people about their experiences, and confident in my ability to do this kind of work.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a little more to do, but this is to be expected of a sophomore year internship. I should have learned earlier on that if I wanted more things to do, I should have asked more people and gotten myself involved, and this was a product of me being too intimidated at first to do this (again, it was my first professional internship). Everyone there is very willing to talk to you and wants you to succeed, so don't feel too intimidated! Although I loved everyone on my team, I didn't feel like the kind of work was the right fit for my interests. However, this was mitigated by the fact that my department was highly collaborative, so I was exposed to other kind of work on the business side. Also, the intern project was a great way to give myself different kinds of work and learn about different aspects of business.


Take full advantage of the resources there and email anyone to get coffee!
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Frontend Software Engineer

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I was able to work on and own user-facing features, and was felt like I was meaningfully contributing as a member of the team.

What I wish was different


Pursue jobs on your own, outside of school resources, as well. Many great opportunities are not heavily advertised to students.
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