The Tucson Police Department is a very diverse and unique agency. The Tucson Police Department was founded on April 22, 1871. The city was one square mile in size and had a population of 3,200 people. The department has grown from one marshall in 1871 to the present police force of almost 1,000 sworn officers and 300 non-sworn personnel. The police department is now responsible for a city of over 200 square miles and over 500,000 citizens. The Tucson Police Department is a modern and progressive law enforcement agency, proud of its service to the community and commitment to the residents of the City of Tucson.
Currently, we have a total of 845 sworn officers. The Tucson population is 520,116 as per the 2010 census. This averages out to about 1.65 officers to every thousand persons.
The Tucson Police Department takes its responsibility to the community seriously and must be thorough in order to ensure only the finest candidates are selected to become Tucson Police Officers.