Ulliman Schutte Construction

Marketing Intern

May - August 2023 • Miamisburg, OH

What I liked

Interning for the Marketing & Proposals department at Ulliman Schutte was truly an invaluable experience as I learned and grew as a student, professional, and overall human being. I enjoyed the dynamic variety of activities I was assigned as well as the many opportunities that I was presented. Some of my favorite moments included helping with the pursuit process for upcoming projects, collaborating with a few of the other co-ops to augment Ulliman Schutte's digital recruiting, traveling to Florida and Virginia to see projects and develop our business relationships, and designing various marketing promotions and gifts. I enjoyed working with and learning from the Marketing & Proposals team daily. Not only do they work hard and collaborate well, but they also have fun and care deeply about each other and the work they do.

What I wish was different

I would have loved to stay around long enough to see US win the projects that I got to help pursue.


I would advise any intern after me to say yes to the many opportunities offered at Ulliman Schutte! You really can tailor your experience as an intern to best fit your needs and interests. I also think it is important to visit a project site and see the work that Ulliman Schutte does in person. This was impactful for me to better understand the industry, our company, and the role of the Marketing & Proposals department.
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Field Engineer Co-op

May - August 2024 • Moraine, OH

What I liked

I had the opportunity to work closely with the supervisors and co-workers on a water and wastewater project, where we handled tasks such as piping, grading, excavation, road base preparation, concrete pours, and much more. What I enjoyed most was the hands-on learning experience, which I believe will be very valuable when I transition to the office side of things in my next co-op. It was a fantastic foundational experience that helped me understand the basics and intricacies of water and wastewater projects. I also appreciated observing and working alongside seasoned co-workers, gaining insights from their extensive field experience."

What I wish was different

There isn't much I would change about the experience. I enjoyed almost every aspect and was eager to come in and learn each day. The only thing I wish had been different is that I could have started earlier in the project timeline, as I joined towards the end. This presented its own challenge, as I had to piece together and understand what had been done before my arrival and how everything functioned. Being my first experience, I didn't have previous projects to reference. However, as the project progressed, I gradually learned more and more, allowing me to connect the dots. This growth was all I could ask for from my first experience.


One piece of advice I would give to future co-ops is to never hesitate to ask questions. Many people emphasize this, and it's true—your supervisors and co-workers won't think your questions are silly, as they were once in your position too. Another valuable tip, which isn't mentioned as often, is to keep a running list of the tasks and projects you've worked on. Continuously updating this list throughout your term can be incredibly helpful for writing reviews like this one and for reflecting on all you've accomplished. It provides a great way to track your progress and see how much you've learned and contributed during your time there.
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Co-Op Project Engineer

January 2023 - May 2024 • Raleigh, NC

What I liked

Everyone that I worked with was very helpful and tried to get me involved with as much of the project as was possible. As I learned more about different aspects, they got me involved with things that I enjoyed and tried to avoid things that I did not enjoy, while still pushing me out of my comfort zone to grow.

What I wish was different

There is not too much I wish was different.


I would say try to get involved with anything and everything. If you ask, they will try to get you involved.
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Co-op Project/ Field Engineer

May - August 2023 • Great Falls, VA

What I liked

I enjoyed learning about the industry of wastewater treatment construction. This is a very interesting field and Ulliman Schutte is a top company to work for when in this field. I enjoyed feeling like a part of the team, not once was I asked to do the typical "intern tasks". I was given real work to do that had a major impact on the project, each day I felt like I was making a difference which was great at an internship. The team gave me work that was interesting and if there was something I was interested in, all I had to do was ask to work on it and they were accomodating. Overall, I had a great experience working with Ulliman Schutte.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have stayed longer so I could see the rest of the project come together. Leaving a project halfway through made me want more and see how the project turns out.


Ask questions, it is always a learning experience and odds are your boss and coworkers were once interns with the company so are always understanding of and encourage asking questions.
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Co-op Project/ Field Engineer

May - August 2023 • Great Falls, VA

What I liked

I enjoyed learning about the industry of wastewater treatment construction. This is a very interesting field and Ulliman Schutte is a top company to work for when in this field. I enjoyed feeling like a part of the team, not once was I asked to do the typical "intern tasks". I was given real work to do that had a major impact on the project, each day I felt like I was making a difference which was great at an internship. The team gave me work that was interesting and if there was something I was interested in, all I had to do was ask to work on it and they were accomodating. Overall, I had a great experience working with Ulliman Schutte.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have stayed longer so I could see the rest of the project come together. Leaving a project halfway through made me want more and see how the project turns out.


Ask questions, it is always a learning experience and odds are your boss and coworkers were once interns with the company so are always understanding of and encourage asking questions.
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BIM/VDC Intern

May - August 2023 • Miamisburg, OH

What I liked

I was entrusted with real, valuable deliverables right off the bat. My role in VDC consisted largely of creating and reviewing submittals, shop drawings, building components, pipe fitting families/diagrams, etc. I was given a good balance between real responsibility and flexible deadlines so that I had space to learn, make mistakes, and ask questions. The work was fast paced but supervisors did well to answer questions and offer advice for future tasks. Interns are treated as true team members within US instead of short-term, replaceable student-workers. Supervisors trusted me to get work done on time and to the US standard.

What I wish was different

My training was largely under the "learn-as-you-go" mentality. Depending on how you prefer to learn, this could be a strength or a detriment. I might have learned better under a more standard / introductory training period that exposed me to what my deliverables would be / what they should look like, but that is dependent on the student's style of learning.


Become curious about what you see on the job and ask good questions often, even if you don't necessarily need to know the answer. Construction is broad, but the people on this team love to share what they know. As a student, asking good questions at the right time is a great skill to pick up during an internship/co-op. Any question is a good one as long as it isn't asked twice!
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Project Engineer Co-op

January - August 2022 • Raleigh, NC

What I liked

Ulliman Schutte is a great place to learn and grow as an engineer whether you're just starting out or already have experience. The company is a great size where everyone is reachable and willing to help. I most enjoyed all the responsibilities I was given because it made me feel like I was an integral part of the team. Each coworker valued my input and the Project Engineers were always willing to teach me when I asked.

What I wish was different

One thing that I wish was different is the communication before starting the job. A few things got lost in translation but luckily everyone was willing and able to work things out.


I would recommend touring a job site (even if it is not the one you will be positioned at) before starting if applicable because it would give you a little more perspective before the first day. Always come prepared to ask questions and ready to learn.
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Engineering Co-Op

May - August 2023 • Miamisburg, OH

What I liked

Being a second term Co-Op for Ulliman Schutte Construction, the startup process was smooth and I was able to get right into doing work. For this work term I worked in the home officer as an mechanical estimator. I worked on helping the estimation of a variety of jobs, from Hard-Bids, to CMAR, and some Design-Build. My work included reading the contract drawings and the specifications and keeping track of every peice of pipe, rather it was Ductile Iron, PVC, or Copper pipe. I liked jumping from job to job and how nice and willing to help all my coworkers were. It was a big adjustment from working as a "Project Engineer" Co-Op, but everyone was patient and willing to lend a helping hand. I also liked my coworkers, they were an awesome group of people who made the enviroment fun and easy to work in.

What I wish was different

Something I wish was different was the length of which I worked. I know that summer is a shorter term, but things really started to ramp up towards the end and I satrted to learn a lot in that short amount of time. I got most everything I wanted out of this term, and even got to work through a bid which was exciting. I also wish that I did estimating for the civil department. While I learned a lot about the mechanical side of things, I am more interested in the civil side of things. However, I still enjoyed my time and I'm glad I got to see a different prespecitive on things I hadnt considered seeing before.


One piece of advice I would give to Co-Op's is to not be afraid to ask questions. They were once exaclty where you were sitting, and dont expect you to be a proficient and expirenced engineer. Even if the question seems like a "dumb" question ask it. It may seem like you are bothering or interupting your coworkers, but they did the same thing and probably still do the same things. Its important to work as team and have open communication with them.
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Co-op Project Engineer

August - December 2022 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I loved how much experience I got in only 1 semester of work. I was fortunate to work on 2 projects on the same plant at once that were in different stages of completion, and it was very cool to see the life cycle of the jobs. My Project Manager as well as the other Engineers and Executives were all extremely friendly and helpful with any questions I had and there were a lot of fun out of office events. The provided housing was also a nice bonus.

What I wish was different

Some of the tasks I had were pretty monotonous but were necessary and I did not see it as busy work. Some of the tasks I had didn't particularly align with my personal interests as a mechanical engineer but I definitely learned a lot of useful information that I can take moving forward.


Don't feel bad asking questions especially when you are just starting out. I came in knowing very little about the industry and my PM and everyone around me were extremely helpful along the way. Also, having good soft skills is extremely important in this field and this allows you to work to improve them.
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Co-op Engineer

January - August 2022 • Accokeek, MD

What I liked

One of the biggest things that I enjoyed about the 5 co-op terms that I completed with Ulliman Schutte was the opportunity to learn and be engaged in the large scale projects that they complete. The project teams are very welcoming and will teach you everything you need to know and more. There is always something new happening on every project. I was able to work on 5 different projects, all across the country and get a lot of experience and network with a lot of people that way.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish was different is that sometimes a job can be slow rolling, whether it is in the beginning stages of construction, or during closeout. However, the project teams do a good job of keeping you busy with alternative work, for instance, while I was working on one project site, I was doing work for another jobsite remotely in order to help them out. There is always an opportunity to branch out and do more.


Be eager to learn something new. There are plenty of opportunities to gain experience. Ask questions and be receptive of answers. You will be given many different roles and responsibilities, be sure to prioritize accordingly.
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Project Engineer Intern

January - May 2023 • Newport News, VA

What I liked

During this experience, I really liked how much responsibility I had. There is a poor stereotype of the "coffee intern" who isn't given meaningful work. Working with Ulliman Schutte was the opposite, I never felt bored. That goes along with the fact that in almost every scenario, there was something to be learned. I was never reprimanded for not knowing something and I was always applauded for asking questions. Asking questions and learning from those questions was the best part of the job for me.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had put myself out there more and introduced myself to more people in order to understand their roles. Doing this would have helped me comprehend the sheer size of this project.


Go outside and walk the project once a day! Nothing would get built if it weren't for the people working in the field. Walking the project will help you appreciate that better.
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Project Engineer Intern

May - July 2021 • Raleigh, NC

What I liked

I enjoyed the amount of responsibility and autonomy I was given. My housing was also paid for which was a huge financial benefit.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more of an opportunity to interact with the corporate office and estimating and bidding work that goes on.


My advice for this role is to keep a very open mind and always be willing to learn. Pretty much everything will be very unfamiliar in the beginning so it is important to stay motivated, ask good questions, and learn from your mistakes.
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Project Engineer Co-Op

January - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

-Hands on construction experience -Work that held real responsibility

What I wish was different

-More structured on-boarding/training


Be eager to learn
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Project Engineer Co-op

May - August 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

The team was phenomenal, friendly, and very fun to work with and learn from. Ulliman Schutte takes care of its employees and it shows. The company takes on interesting and challenging construction projects which are exciting to be apart of. US provided excellent housing and paid for my relocation traveling expenses.

What I wish was different

Although the project engineer role allows for some time working on the site, it is primarily performed at a desk, behind a computer, in a job site trailer. I wish that my role was more hands on and field oriented and that I had more work to do while I was behind my desk.


Ask for tasks and work in the areas that you find interesting.
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Field Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Perry Point, MD

What I liked

Ulliman Schutte provided an atmosphere that allowed plenty of learning opportunities and responsibility. Your input is wanted and used to innovate the job and allow for a more efficient work flow. It was a fast paced environment that made the day go by quickly and a sense of ownership to be felt at the end of every day.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to stay on the project longer


Keep a mindset that your opinion matters and jump at every opportunity to try something new and out of your comfort zone.
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Co-op Engineer

August - December 2017 • Perry Point, MD

What I liked

There are two main things I really enjoyed about this internship. The first is how hands-on the work was. I worked in a mobile office that was on the job site, so the engineers and I were able to discuss plans in the office and then go out and actually see them being executed. The second was that the work I did was meaningful. I was accountable for a lot of things (such as purchasing equipment and scheduling concrete pours), and having that responsibility gave me a sense of what the real world is like.

What I wish was different

As previously stated, I performed a lot of meaningful work. After talking to friends about their co-op experience, I would say that the pay for this internship is not as high as it should be.


Be very engaged in the work and ask a lot of questions. When I was on site, I was always asking questions about the things that I saw and it increased my understanding of the construction process.
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