University of Missouri System

I'll soon be interviewing to become a graduate research assistant at the University of Missouri System, what kind of advice can you offer?

First, make sure you are comfortable and confident with the information you learned during your undergraduate degree. It is alright to not know everything.Second, I would suggest you look up and identify some of the professors as potential advisers. If you are set on a specific professor but they...
Interview Education Research Assistant Graduate University of Missouri System
1 answer

Looking for details on what it can be like to be a graduate research assistant at the University of Missouri System!

During the first few years you will be taking classes, TAing and working/learning in your graduate lab. The following years will be more intense lab work and lots of writing.I would normally get to lab between 8-10 am in the morning depending on how late into the night I had to stay in order to f...
Day in the Life Education Research Assistant Graduate University of Missouri System
1 answer