The people I worked with and the majority of kids I worked with. Plus, the field trips were free for us staff as well as lunches on Fridays from Marzellas/Chik-Fil-A
What I wish was different
The hiring process was a little difficult because we wouldn't hear back about the next steps (another interview, etc) for weeks, so we wouldn't know if we were being considered. I also didn't find out I got the job until about a week before finals. As a college student whose summer begins in late May, not knowing whether I got the job or if I'd have to start looking elsewhere until the very last minute was frustrating because if I hadn't gotten the job, most jobs would have been taken up by other college kids. It all worked out in the end, but something about the hiring process has to change.
This place is tricky because it's an all outdoor camp with no opportunity to go inside for some AC--unless it's storming or dangerously hot--so there isn't any escape from the heat, so keep hydrated. If you start losing energy and feeling unwell the kids will follow. Keeping hydrated all day is the very best thing you can do.