Center for Advanced Public Safety at UA

About Center for Advanced Public Safety at UA

CAPS is an interdisciplinary research center in the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama. Our research and development activities are centered on the application of novel technology in the following disciplines:

Law Enforcement
Traffic Safety
Motor Vehicles
Homeland Security
Health & Human Services
Weather & Disaster Recovery
Emergency Medical Services

Our substantial technology portfolio includes work in analytics, web and windows software development, data sharing and integration, GIS applications, mobile app development, data hosting, and website design and development.

Our software is utilized in several states and has changed the way that law enforcement, traffic engineers and many other disciplines conduct business, resulting in more crimes being solved, more lives being saved on the highways and greater efficiencies in several areas across the government IT enterprise.


Mail Clerk

July 2014 Tuscaloosa, AL
“I still work in the Campus Mail but I now work on the departmental side, I used to work at the Ferguson with the student packaging and mail program.”

Desk Assistant

January 2019 Tuscaloosa, AL
“The hours. ”
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