Durango School District 9-R

About Durango School District 9-R

Durango School District 9-R is a high-performing school district located in western La Plata County in Southwest Colorado. Its seven elementary schools, two middle schools and two high schools serve approximately 4,700 students.
The mission of Durango School District 9-R, an innovative educational system committed to excellence, is to ensure each student develops the skills and attributes for lifelong learning.


Special Education Paraprofessional

June 2019 - August 2019 Durango, CO
“I was familiar with the setting and the people that I was working with. I really enjoy this position, along with working with children with disabilities. ”

Special Education Paraprofessional

June 2018 - August 2018 Durango, CO
“I was able to broaden my education and experience through being a paraprofessional and I really enjoy hanging out and being with these kids so it did not seem like I was working all day, but rather just hanging out with friends. ”
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