TLT - Tomorrow's Leaders Today, Inc

Accounting/Business Services Intern

May - July 2024 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

The internship was well organized from start to finish. The interview process, onboarding, and support throughout the internship was smooth. More specifically, the tasks and projects were relevant to my role and career. I also think that the feedback was helpful and timely, especially when it was about presentations and any completed work.

What I wish was different

If anything, maybe the role could have included other less common/miscellaneous accounting tasks and a bit more hands-on software tasks.


Take advantage of the one-on-one, mentor, and team meetings. These are good times to practice communicating with others and getting feedback on it.
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Accounting/Business Service Intern

May - July 2024 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

I really enjoyed the internship and the collaboration that is encouraged to work among other interns with completing projects. This experience really helps with applying concepts that are learned from my education into a working environment. Moreover, there are people always ready to answer any questions and offer guidance along the way. There are many internship positions open as well so there is always a broad selection of interns who are able to participate in this program.

What I wish was different


I would recommend to not hesitate to ask questions. There are people who are willing to answer any questions or concerns. Make the most out this experience while participating as time goes by really fast.
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Cyber Security Basics Intern

May - July 2024 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

I loved working as a Cyber Security Basics Intern at TLT - Tomorrow's Leaders Today mainly because I got to learn about the various aspects of Cyber Security including Risk Assessment, Threat Protocol, Disaster Recovery, etc. It was really interesting to research how companies utilize these plans when dealing with real Cyber Security threats. I also loved receiving feedback on my projects and presentations, knowing that those advices will strengthen my ability to become an effective communicator and writer in future jobs. Lastly, I loved to make connections with other interns not just in my intern role but in many others too.

What I wish was different

I don't think anything should be changed as this internship is well-balanced in teaching people not only what they signed up for but real life skills too.


This real life skills you will gain on top of the knowledge you gain from your role will certainly prepare you in all aspects of job readiness, and I highly recommend this internship to young aspiring students who wish to kick-start their career in any path of interest.
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Human Resource Intern

February - April 2024 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

I loved the mentorship and the opportunity for experience. It was a great internship where I learned a lot.

What I wish was different


It is great to have other interns and team meetings to support you.
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Human Resources Intern

February - April 2024 • Texas City, TX

What I liked

I loved the engagement of the mentors and co-workers. This is a great opportunity to enhance your academic skills.

What I wish was different


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Human Resources Intern

February - April 2024 • Richardson, TX

What I liked

I like the multiple opportunities to learn and explore the world of Human Resources by doing hands on projects that both benefit me and TLT. The collaboration was really needed to complete projects and show us how to understand and work in a team environment. Elaine was an amazing supervisor who gave me great feedback to better myself and was very friendly while helping me navigate my way through this difficult new chapter. I could email her with my concerns or worries regarding my projects and would get an answer back very quickly. It was an amazing experience for my first-ever internship opportunity about Human Resources and I didn’t need to know everything regarding HR to participate in this internship. My Human Resources knowledge has improved much with completing this internship and the resources she provides.

What I wish was different


Some advice I would give is to not wait until the last minute to complete projects, the internship goes by fast. Attend every team meeting and 1 on 1 with Elaine to experience everything the internship has to offer and gain knowledge for your future positions. Network and make connections with the other interns even if they are not in your intern program to continue to stay in contact. With me and my team meetings, we are like a little family the further the internship went on, and is weird that we are not seeing each other every Tuesday like we have done for the previous 10 weeks.
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Accounting / Business Services Intern

May - July 2023 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

What I liked about my internship at TLT was the experience dealing with auditing, budget narratives, accounting software, and much more within an organization while having an environment to ask questions and learn during my time there. I received real-world experience in the accounting field, while being given great feedback and learning the necessary steps towards becoming great within my field. I worked closely in a team setting and presented my projects weekly on Zoom, which facilitated great public speaking, team-building, and soft skills. I also got to work at my own pace since it is remote, which was great as a first-time introduction into the field. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at TLT, and I am grateful for the experiences and the connections I made while there.

What I wish was different


One piece of advice I would give to those who plan on becoming interns at TLT is to make sure to build connections with fellow interns and stay in contact with those on your team. This helps you build essential team-building skills and also provides you with connections you can rely on throughout your time here. Additionally, regularly scheduling meetings with those on your team will help develop communication skills and prepare you for how you can confidently present your work in your weekly team meetings.
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Cyber Security Intern

May - July 2023 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

I loved all the opportunities to learn and explore the world of Cyber Security by doing hands on projects that were both beneficial for me and to TLT as well. The collaboration needed for projects was great in helping me gain confidence skills and understand how it is to be in a team environment. Elaine was also an amazing supervisor who was extremely friendly and helped me navigate through any difficult I may had faced. If I had any concerns or worries, I would send an email and get a response within a few hours, which shows that communication here was very prompt and I never felt "left in the dark" so to speak. Overall, it was a pleasant experience to intern here and I would recommend this organization to anyone who needs/wants an internship!

What I wish was different


Be sure to be on top of your projects and tasks assigned as the internship goes quick and you gain a good deal of experience and knowledge! Also be sure to attend every meeting, if possible. It will be very beneficial for you in the long run :)
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Accounting/Business Services Intern

May - July 2023 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

TLT is an awesome organization dedicated to educating our youth will much needed life skills and preparing them for the future. I had the pleasure of being a part of this team and could not have had a better experience. Elaine is very knowledgeable and has a passion for what she does. We were guided every step of the way and even had a syllabus outlining our daily and weekly responsibilities. I learned essential skills in business and accounting software, protocols, and regulations.

What I wish was different


It goes by fast so keep up with it and take it as a learning experience for your future!
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Cyber Security Intern

January - April 2023 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

What I liked most was the well planned out structure of the program. The internship involves weekly projects that must be recapped in a quick presentation. This was beneficial to practice meeting deadlines as well as becoming comfortable presenting my work. I feel better prepared to tackle a job after graduation now.

What I wish was different

What I wish could have been different would be the guest speakers. Even though they were knowledgeable, the speakers we did have were not directly tied to my field of study. I would liked to have heard an entry level professional working in the field talk about their daily activities and responsibilities. Preferably speakers could talk about their entry level positions so that interns could learn what to expect after they graduate.


One piece of advice for a potential intern would be to plan your projects with self made deadlines. This will keep you on track and you'll always complete your work. Good luck and enjoy the experience!
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Human Resources Intern

January - April 2023 • Texas City, TX

What I liked

As a Human Resource (HR) Intern for Spring 2023, I worked alongside other HR Interns to review TLT’s current administrative policies and operational manuals to create suggestions for improvement. During this experience, I have improved my multitasking and teamwork skills while recognizing the inclusivity, diversity, and equity practices the organization promotes.

What I wish was different



TLT is a great organization to intern and work at. They are passionate about what they do, embrace a diverse population, open to logical suggestions, and are supportive.
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Human Resources Intern

September - November 2022 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

We got real world experience; this really prepared me for future opportunities. I had a real fear for presenting but with this Internship I was able to work on that. I would put an emphasis on that, interns here are able to work on building their confidence and professional skills. It was such a great opportunity! I would suggest for other to join too!

What I wish was different



Connect with your peers and be a communicative person.
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Impact Management Intern

June - August 2022 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

I was able to experience how it feels to work remotely, at the same time stay on top of my given projects and work. I was able to learn more about data management strategy that communicates the organization's intended outcomes, programs, activities, inputs, outputs, and reports progress. Also, I was able to assist and also oversee in analyzing the data and creating an impact report.

What I wish was different


Working with TLT helps you to build yourself on how to better perform in the corporate world.
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Impact Management

June - August 2022 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

I loved how it was remote and that the scheduling was very flexible. The projects were great, and it really helped me put my classroom skills to the test. I loved developing new skills with TLT and how I was able to grow as a person in my short time with TLT. I definitely recommend applying for an internship at TLT because they will help you gain valuable experience and are always there to help you with anything that you may need.

What I wish was different


Don't be scared to think outside of the box on projects and also if you need assistance ask for help.
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Impact Management

February - May 2022 • Fort Worth, TX

What I liked

I can appreciate the transparency of the expectations and requirements, also the communication amongst this organization was stellar. I enjoyed the encouragement of feedback, I as a student felt like I was being valued and my voice was being heard. I enjoyed the collaboration and encouragement for interns to provide feedback to each other. I liked the fact that my ideas were being considered and I could be as detailed and creative as I wanted to in my work.

What I wish was different

I wouldn't change anything. I appreciated every minute of it! Every one on meeting, team meeting, assignment and project!


Take advantage of the opportunity by asking as many questions as you want, gathering as much information as you can and utilizing the open door policy that this organization has. Not only are you provided with great feedback but they encourage you to give yours as well!
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Social Media Intern

January - March 2022 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

This opportunity has helped me develop as a young professional. It has equipped me with hands-on experience, allowed me to communicate with team members, and explore the social media industry. I encourage others to consider working as an intern for this organization.

What I wish was different


One piece of advice I have to share about this experience is to take advantage of the networking opportunities. We often get to connect with guest speakers during our weekly meetings, which is a great time to introduce ourselves and seek advice.
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Instructional design/E-Learning intern

December 2020 • Denton, TX

What I liked

TLT is a great organization. I was able to take on leadership roles and create my own projects. I worked with an amazing team that instrumental to me finding success within my position. Very flexible was allowed to work on my own time and was able to regularly meet with my supervisor and discuss different projects. As an instructional design intern, I focused on creating lessons and presentations that focused on basic life skills, as well as creating templates and other tools to be used for creating course content.

What I wish was different


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Social Media Intern

May - July 2021 • Mesquite, TX

What I liked

Because the position had been remote, I was able to create and manage my own schedule as well as work at a pace that I believed benefited me. Elaine was a great help and she was always available if I had any questions or needed assistance with something. The feedback I received from the other interns was very beneficial and it helped me strengthen my skills when it came to designing.

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it and don't be afraid to ask questions. Also, communication is an important skill to have, especially with the positions being remote.
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Business Services Intern

September 2020 • Denton, TX

What I liked

I liked that I had the flexibility to work on my own schedule. Because this position is remote, I could work anytime, anywhere. Elaine is very flexible and will work with you if you are unable to go to intern meetings-- and will work with you to make sure you receive adequate 1x1's throughout your internship. You have the freedom to explore different projects, and really hone in on the skills you want to work on.

What I wish was different


Don't be scared to ask to work on projects that might be out of your realm!
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Marketing Intern

May 2021 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

This internship has been a wonderful experience. There is great communication from my supervisor as well as within the team. I am learning new things and expanding my skill set while also drawing from previous experience. I am able to work independently on projects, receive feedback from team members, and collaborate with others on projects as well. One of the best aspects of this internship is our bi-weekly one-on-one coaching sessions. I feel like my contributions are appreciated and useful.

What I wish was different


Communication is essential. While management and team members are willing to communicate, you must do your part as well. Do not be afraid to speak up and contribute thoughts or opinions as they are always received graciously and respectfully.
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